Ralph's Blog: The Open Center
I have written a series of short pieces on some of the Open Center programs that were most meaningful to me between 1984 and 2022..

Ralph White, Co-founder of The New York Open Center, 1984
January 13th 2019 marks the 35th birthday of the New York Open Center. It all began one freezing night at Cooper Union in the mythic year of 1984 when our first event, a Paul Winter premier of his SunSeeker …
One of the pleasures of programming at the Open Center in the Eighties was the opportunity to bring over celebrated figures from Britain …
As we continue our series on Open Center history, we recall our extraordinary symposium organized thirty years ago on the emerging holistic and ecological paradigm …
Thirty one years ago this week the Open Center organized the very first conference in New York City on Socially Responsible Investing. At the time, the idea of doing well financially by doing good seemed as radical …
No-one has written about love the way Leonard Cohen has with all its agonies and ecstasies ...
Today any astute observer of American political life can see that the religious right exerts a very powerful influence on our society. But what really lies behind this, what is the actual world view of so many Christian fundamentalists intent …